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Kenny’s Soul and Seafood Restaurant


Kenny's Soul and Seafood Restaurant

My mission today was to meet the winner of the Frankford CDC Phillies Phever Decorating Contest.  Kenny Hill and his fiancee Keisha Gore have been in business down at 4428 Frankford Avenue for about 3 years now.  Against some stiff competition they came in first in the contest.

Kenny offers a varied menu of seafood and soul food at moderate prices.  Breakfast is also served until 3:00 PM.  All foods are prepared fresh.  At this time of year Kenny is open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 AM till 10:00 PM.

They also do catering and private parties of all type: birthday, anniversary, kids.

Kenny is a native of North Philly but moved over to Frankford seven years ago.  He is a graduate of the JNA Institute of Culinary Arts.  Running a restaurant is hard work in the best of times.  Many mornings he is up and out buying fresh fish or produce before dawn.

Kenny Hill and keisha Gore

Kenny Hill and Keisha Gore

The day I met him he was at the restaurant doing maintenance and cleaning up since it was a Wednesday.  I have to admit I have walked by Kenny’s dozens of times over the last few years without a thought. When the old timers wonder where all the good places to eat in Frankford have gone it never occurred to me that maybe some new ones have come in.  That is a lesson learned.

So I’ll be back to sample the fish and grits (sort of like a combination of the Cracker Barrel and Red Lobster but with a shorter drive).

You may want to check out the specials on Friday and Saturday night.  Kenny and Keisha will be happy to greet you.

Click here to have a look at their menu and here to see some of their specials.  They are large files and will take some time to load.

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Philadelphia Actual Valuation Initiative for Real Estate Taxes

The Inquirer has posted a database of the proposed new tax rates.  In case you have missed it, the proposal is to recompute real estate taxes based on the estimated actual market value of your property.  The present system makes no sense and is an invitation to fraud and misuse.  So you can go to this link and see what your taxes would be under the proposed system.  I am guessing that most taxes in Frankford will go down because our values have not increased relative to the rest of the city.

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Frankford Real Estate Transactions

Some Frankford Real Estate Transactions for April of 2009 are listed below.

5426 Harbison Ave $49,900
5025 Cottage St $27,000
1759 Bridge St $50,000
1346 Sellers St $56,000
4217 Griscom St $70,000
5447 Tackawanna St $69,250
870 Bridge St $55,000
5035 Penn St $236,000
937 Pratt St $83,500
5035 Hawthorne St $77,000
1326 Fillmore St $49,900
2010 Kennedy St $79,900
1140 Harrison St $181,000
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Next Week in Frankford

  • Tacony civic Association Flea Market
    When-Sat, May 2, 8am – 4pm
    Where-Disston Park – Keystone and Disston Streets, Phila. PA (map)
    Description-Event: Tacony Civic “FLEA MARKET” “Get RID to the junk without having to SHIP IT” What: Flea Market Host: Tacony Civic Association Start Time: Saturday, May 2 at 8:00am End Time: Saturday, May 2 at 4:00pm Where: Disston Park
  • Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open House
    When-Sun, May 3, 12pm – 5pm
    Where-4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)
    Description-Presentation at 1:30 PM: United Daughters of the Confederacy and their Mission Betty Mastin, UDC, Phila Chapter
  • Frankford Civic Association Meeting
    When-Thu, May 7, 7pm – 8pm
    Where-Frankford Hospital – 2nd floor conference room (map)
  • 2nd Annual National Day of Prayer
    When-Thu, May 7, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
  • “Globe Dye Works: Layers”, Opening Reception with the Artists
    When-Sat, May 9, 5pm – 9pm
    Where-Globe Dye Works, 4500 Worth St. Philadelphia, pa 19124 (map)
    Description-Curated by Philadelphia artist Veronica Scarpellino, “Globe Dye Works: Layers” will bring together 13 artists to celebrate the transition of the Globe Dye Works building into its next incarnation. Artist Maria Anasazi, a recent Philadelphia transplant from Greece, will headline the exhibit with delicate sculptures created from antique and discarded books. Anasazi is a prolific artist who has shown her work extensively across the country and has received numerous awards and accolades. Anasazi will be joined in the main gallery by other established artists Steven Earl Weber, Kiki Gaffney, courtesy of Pentimenti Gallery, NY artists Guy Stanley Philoche, courtesy of James Oliver Gallery, and Pete Checchia. Together their artwork will pay homage to the past as it meets the present, in unison with the space around them.
    The exhibition continues upstairs in two other exhibit rooms, featuring the works of Candace Karch and Joshua Erb, Romy Scheroder, Ron Johnson, Justin Coffin, Deb Imler and Allen Spencer, James Oliver and Peter Stanfield.   Globe Dye Works has been remade to support art studios, craftsman studios, offices and stores. Public spaces within will serve as areas to exhibit art, communicate with fellow tenants, and give residents an opportunity to collaborate. Spaces vary in size, from 500 sq. ft. to 3000 sq. ft., giving residents a flexibility in scope that is rare. Join the partners of Globe Dye Works and Philadelphia Brewing Company in this celebration
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Real Estate Transactions in Historic Frankford

Here are some transactions from February and March.

1790 Brill St $58,500
2126 Kennedy St $37,500
1104 Anchor St $60,000
2038 Granite St $20,750
2113 Shallcross St $40,000
1615 Allengrove St $39,127
2029 Buckius St $29,000
1752 Brill St  $74,900
4638 Adams Ave $143,100
5036 Jackson St $32,500
1621 Dyre St $50,000
4531 Griscom St $35,000
1932 Haworth St $34,500
4235 Romain St $42,000
5203 Glenloch St $26,000
5016 Torresdale Ave $27,000
1373 Dyre St $49,550
4439-41 E Wingohocking St $99,000
4320 Howland St 98,000
4623 Worth St 31,000
4649 Naples St $65,000
5029 Akron St $85,000
1701 Brill St $41,000
1785 Scattergood St $25,000
1130 Kenwyn St $173,000
5321 Oakland St $75,500
1216 Kenwyn St $100,000
1828 Kinsey St $35,000
1167 Anchor St $67,500
5263 Sylvester St $119,900