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Frankford wins Public League baseball title

We can’t let it pass without noting that Frankford won the public league championship.

Juan Namnun could have predicted as much.

“Jon’s our leader, any way you slice it,” said Namnun, the Pioneers’ first-year coach. “He’s our energy, our soul, our spirit. Anything we get going, he’s the one who does it.”

Thanks to a 15-5, six-inning win last night over Central, Frankford rules the Pub for the fifth time in six seasons (Central won in 2006) and now boasts an astonishing 7-year league record of 117-8, counting regular-season games and playoffs.

Read the entire story here.

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I-95 proposed changes

Back in April, Penndot had a public meeting at Frankford High School to discuss the changes planned for the Bridge Street/Aramingo Avenue interchanges.  This is a link to their website with a summary of what is proposed to happen at this point.  Construction would not begin before 2012.

If you live in Frankford and use I-95 or the Betsy Ross bridge, your access will change.  The Aramingo interchange will be completed and access will be from Aramingo Avenue or Torresdale Avenue.  For me it will be easier to get to and from both.  Some homes will be lost due to the realignment of the ramps and roadway.

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Frankford Festival

You certainly could not complain about the weather last Saturday.  It brought out a diverse crowd of codial folks looking for a good time.  We did not have a lot of time to stay but we did video for about a half hour just as things were getting rolling.  This is a rough cut but there is no sense in waiting till it’s perfect.  We would like to add some video of the later musical performances.  If you have any video (or stills) you would like to contribute, please contact us.


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Who’s got the Hummer?

Well, according to, it’s not Gary Jackson.  They say he lives in Frankford but since they did not give his address, we’ll leave that alone.  The real question is – why is this news.  It should be standard practice.

The city-state Gun Violence Task Force announced yesterday that it has seized a 2003 Hummer in connection with a straw purchase of a handgun and intends to seek forfeiture of the vehicle.

“We intend to make straw purchasing as costly as possible to deter those who would otherwise involve themselves in this type of scheme,” District Attorney Lynne Abraham said.

The Hummer is owned by Gary Jackson, 41, of Frankford, a convicted felon who is alleged to have driven it to a gun store outside the city with Ronald McBeth, 41, who allegedly bought a handgun for Jackson.

Read the entire story here.