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The Frankford Forum

We are thinking about setting up a forum for Frankford folks.  It would be something like or or but for us.  The Gazette is our forum to tell you what we think is going on and we get a fair number of comments but the forum format gives everybody and opportunity to have their say.

It would be set up by us and moderated to a degree but otherwise pretty free form.  Leave a comment or email us with your opinion and/or suggestions.

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Frankford High School

KatieRose Keenan of the Northeast Times again reports on the new principal at Frankford High.

Edward Koch, the newly appointed principal at Frankford High School, knows that to effectively maintain order in any school, you first must be respected by your students.
“As a principal, you don’t have to be loved but you have to be respected. That’s the only way students are going to take you seriously,” explained Koch.

Read the entire story here.

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Frankford Civic Meeting

KatieRose keenan of the Northeast Times reports on last weeks meeting:

The heated debate concerning an increasing number of buildings being converted into recovery houses and rooming houses was still in full stride at the meeting.
“Frankford needs to get back to one-family dwelling homes,” said Liz McCollum–Nazario, president of the Frankford Business and Professional Association. “Most of these houses in Frankford were created for single families. Frankford is filled with churches, rooming houses, recovery houses and transitional houses. All these rooming houses are being sucked into one area of Frankford, and it is not what a viable community needs.”
The issue of the number of buildings bring converted was brought up when a zoning application to convert a three-story house to a six-family dwelling was presented to the civic association’s board. Residents are already living in the building.
Pictures passed around of the house showed several windows boarded up.
“The appearance alone shows a lot. It’s detrimental to the neighborhood and quality of life. But we can’t make decisions in one night and on appearance alone,” said McCollum-Nazario.

Read the entire story here.

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A new school looks for a home in Frankford

KatieRose Keenan of the Northeast Times tells the story of the Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School:

The Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School is looking for a home in Frankford.
Dr. Ayesha Imani, founder and CEO of the school, said the administration is looking for a 40,000-square-foot facility to accommodate kindergarten through 12th grade.
“Initially we are looking to enroll three-hundred students the first year, but we can go up to seven-hundred,” Imani told members of the Frankford Business and Professional Association during the group’s recent meeting.

This is the link to the school’s web site.  Read the entire story here.  This is a link to the meaning of Sankofa.

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EveryBlock is a news feed that targets specific cities and areas within cities.  They include us in their data and I have been reading the feed for usdful information of all sorts.  This is a link to the Philadelphia page.  You can then focus on a neighborhood, zip code, police patrol district, council district or a few other ways to filter the data.

The crime reports are always current and easier to lookup than on the PPD site.  Also the restaurant inspection reports are always interesting.  They also provide some information on the doings of City Council.  If you want to see what your Council Rep has been up to, check here.

Take a look.