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The Importance of the 1860 Election of Abraham Lincoln

Presents a New Program via ZOOM 
SECOND Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.

“The Importance of the 1860 Election of Abraham Lincoln”
by historian and Lincoln scholar and former president of the G.A.R. Museum Hugh Boyle.
Every four years when we elect a President, a cry goes out that this election is the most important in American history.  The election of 1860 was the most important. With a war looming, and four failed years of James Buchanan, and states leaving the union. There is hardly an argument about the importance of this election. Abraham Lincoln a backwoods lawyer from the west, surprised the country with his nomination. We will look at how he got that nomination and how he won the election. Lincoln only received 40% of the total votes. So, he was not popular, but he would bring this country again and end slavery. He is noted as our best and greatest president. Find out what he brought to the presidency to accomplish that.

Hugh Boyle is the president of the Delaware Valley Civil War round table, past President and Executives Director of the Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum and Library, former member of the Abraham Lincoln Foundation of the Union League in Philadelphia, member of the faculty of the Civil War History Institute of Manor College where he teaches courses on Lincoln and other history subjects.  He has given lectures on the life and death of Abraham Lincoln as well as other Civil War topics.
Please send a request to reserve a virtual seat for this outstanding presentation by replying to this e-mail at
You will be sent a link with a password that will enable you to access the program within 24 hours of the start of the presentation.
As a lover of history, you know how critical it is to keep history alive, especially today!  We very much appreciate your continued support for the GAR Civil War Museum & Library.
A FREE virtual program online 
Historic Ruan House • 4278 Griscom Street• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124 •
(215) 289-6484 •
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On the Radio


It’s just me sitting all alone by the telephone,

Then I heard our song – on the radio.

Brought back fond memories when we used to dance to the song – on the radio.

I can still see the blue lights as we dance through the night, by the song – on the radio.

I can still feel your body pressed against mine, with your hand on my side, as we dance to our song.

Memories of an awesome time, as we glide to our song.

I can still feel your cheek touching mine, as we groove to our song.

So, now it’s just me waiting by the phone, as the radio plays our song.

As the tears fill my eyes as I stop and think.

It’s just an old song being played – on the radio.