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The Miracle of Technology

The miracle of technology

Where do you think we would be today without God, and technology?
Stop and think about the Red Sea when he parted it,  could that be technology?
This word may not be in the Bible, but could it be the word they couldn’t understand, could it be technology?
How about when He turned water into wine, could that be magic or technology?
Now don’t get me wrong, I will agree with all the power in His hands, he can part the Red Sea, turn water into wine as you can see.
But at that time this word was not around, as you can see. So I’m just going to call it the miracle of technology.
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Please consider attending the annual luncheon benefiting the museum on Saturday,
March 21, 2020.
The Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum and Library is the only museum in this area that is solely dedicated to preserving the history and telling the story of the Civil War.
The collection is recognized for its historical significance and features numerous relics of singular historical importance including:  General Meade’s warhorse Old Baldy, handcuffs found in John Wilkes Booth’s trunk after the assassination, the strip of the pillowcase and Lincoln’s blood, Dr. Mary Walker’s medical case, the bullet that killed Col. Edward Baker at Ball’s Bluff, and the uniform of Col. DeWitt Clinton Baxter of the 72nd PA Infantry.
As members of the historical community, it is vitally important that we show our support for the museum, or this wonderful museum will disappear.
Please consider attending the annual luncheon benefiting the museum on March 21, 2020.  This is so much more than a luncheon. 
·      You will have a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet both old and new friends who share your interest in history;
·      We have a great keynote speaker, historian and author of many Civil War books, Bradley Gottfried;
·      you can explore the books and merchandise from Jim Schmick’s Civil War and More;
·      you will be eligible to win one of many great especially selected raffle prizes;
·      and you will have an opportunity to purchase authentic Civil War relics.
All this while also helping us to secure the future of the museum.
Please check out the luncheon notice and make your reservation.  Without your support, this wonderful and historic museum may well become a thing of the past; only a memory.
Invites All Museum Supporters and
Civil War Enthusiasts to the
Saturday, March 21, 2020
12:00 noon – 3:30 PM
Cannstatter Volkfest Verein
9130 Academy Road, Philadelphia, PA 19114
(Intersection of Academy Rd. and Frankford Ave., at I-95 Academy Road exit)
Keynote speaker  BRADLEY M. GOTTFRIED
Nationally recognized historian and author
Presentation of the GRAND ARMY AWARD
** Three course Chefs Luncheon  **
History books, videos, music featuring Jim Schmick  “Civil War & More.”
Free door prizes – Print raffles
*Reservations requested by March 13, 2020
Please make checks payable to GAR MUSEUM, and mail with reservation form below to: GAR MUSEUM, Attn: Herb Kaufman, 4278 Griscom Street, Phila., PA 19124.      To Reserve by EMAIL:
Name(s) __________________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed $___________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________ Email Address (for confirmation) _______________________________________
Entrée Choices (please indicate number):
Chicken ________                       Beef ________                 Salmon ________
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Frankford High at Overington Park

The Friends of Overington Park combined with students from Frankford High School on Saturday, February 23, 2020 for a winter day of park cleaning.

Well, it was supposed to be winter but the temp was 50+ and it was a sunny and a beautiful day.  The FOOP’sters enjoyed the students cheerfulness and hard work ethic.

All park projects that Ms Diane had planned were completed ahead of time.  The group celebrated with refreshments, storytelling and a photo op.

Next Overington Park Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 4th.

Joe Fraioli

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February Frankford Zoning Meeting

The Frankford NAC zoning meeting was held on February 13th at Second Baptist Church.  The following cases were heard:

4733 Leiper Street – Applicant seeking a variance for a five family dwelling. No fire suppression system. (Code states that anything over 3 units must have fire suppression system.) Upgrades were done without permits being pulled – Opposed

4733 Leiper Street


5627 Hegerman Street – . Applicant failed to attend 3 times. They have to reapply – Case dismissed

5627 Hegerman Street

4735,31,39 Duffield Street – Combine OPA accounts to be used as personal parking. Continued

4735,31,39 Duffield Street


The next Frankford NAC zoning meeting will be held on March 12th at 7 PM at Second Baptist Church, 1801 Meadow Street.