Pete cooking Thanksgiving dinner at Mater Dolorosa
By: Pat Smiley
There are many concerned citizens and activists in Frankford. There is only one Pete Specos. I have gotten to know Pete much better since St. Joachim Church was closed in June and parishioners started Keep the Faith in Frankford, a nonprofit, to continue the work of the Church and to help the community.
Pete’s knowledge, connections and a real willingness to serve and help in any way he can has made him a vital member as well as a member of the board. But this has only added to the work Pete has done on behalf of our community of Frankford.
A real “grassroots” man, Pete is a Democratic Committeeman and President of the Frankford Civic Association and the Zoning Officer. He is the Treasurer of the PDAC (the 15th District Police District Advisory Council). On November 23rd, Pete and PDAC provided a Thanksgiving Dinner to nearly 150 people that was held in Mater Dolorosa’s hall where local residents were treated to all the trimmings and there were many return visits to the buffet.
Pete coordinates the PSA1 meetings where the Police meet monthly with area residents to discuss and address their concerns. Recently, the NFCY, (the old “Frankford Y”) has been restored to community use and is undergoing major renovations. Pete is Financial Director of their board.
Lucille Ball said, “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” I, for one, am very grateful that Pete has been “busy” making Frankford a better place to work and live.
But don’t get the idea that Pete is all work. One of his passions is his very own Christmas Lightshow that’s on display for all those who come by 4287 Orchard St. It was featured on the Christmas TV special Christmas Planet two years ago.
The Christmas Lightshow begins on Thanksgiving night and will be available for all to enjoy through New Year’s Day! Pete, you just can’t help lighting up Frankford!