Well the crowd was smaller than it usually is on Tuesday night. But rain + election day + Phillies + Flyers might have had something to do with it.
The War Memorial at Frankford Stadium was a topic of discussion. One of the bronze plaques had fallen from the memorial back in February. Since that time the School District and the city have replaced it and then decided to clean all the metal. Here are the before and after pictures. You can click on the image to get a better view.

Barry Howell attended a meeting of the Concerned Citizens of Northwood at Simpson Playground last Tuesday. Barry related that people attending that meeting spoke of being besieged by gang activity, bad section 8 tenants, parking issues and drugs in their back driveways. Barry reiterated that the Northwood Civic is going to address these quality of life issues beyond the deed restricted areas of Northwood. He will be discussing the issue with Councilman Darrel Clarke.
A meeting was to be held with the new operators of the Frankford Y to work out a community relations agreement. The civic supports their effort to turn this now empty building into an asset for the community. As long as they are going in that direction the community should support them.
In June the Civic will begin negotiations with Cancer Treatment Centers of America on the renewal of the community relations agreement. The focus of this new agreement will be on jobs and investment in the Northwood community.
Some people at the meeting complained about people in pickup trucks trolling the rear driveways of blocks looking for trash and anything else that may be handy. When they are around things seem to turn up missing. There is talk of needing a town watch to keep an eye on the streets. Barry encouraged anyone who would like to start a community town watch to contact him and he will put them in touch with the right people.
Final discussion related to the problem of L&I not enforcing zoning board decisions. If the Civic wins a decision in zoning and the property owners ignore that decision, what does it take to get the city to enforce that decision. The process is long and tedious and meanwhile the property owners goes on without penalty.
The next Northwood Civic Association meeting is scheduled for June 15th. Seth Williams the District Attorney, has agreed to attend the Civic meeting. Bring your complaints and take this opportunity to sound off on what is happening to your community.