We had over 40 volunteers come out and help us get ready for Spring. We mulched the garden beds and young trees, swept the sidewalks on Leiper and Orthodox, pulled weeds from the stone wall around the park, did some pruning, and even watered! We got to use our new tools from Philly Rising.
James Clay joined us with 100 soft pretzels and helped out. We planted our first rose garden, thanks to a gift from a park neighbor. We picked up over 70 bags of trash and recycling. The JROTC kids from FHS came and were great as always.
The Friends of Overington Park presented certificates of appreciation to Sgt Joe Fraoili and to the FHS JROTC for their dedicated hard work in our park, and we presented them with a $100 donation in recognition of all they do to make Overington Park beautiful.
Quite a few Frankford Garden Club members did some work at Wilmot and Tackawanna and then came up to Overington to work more! Once again, we had a good time in our park leaving it better then we found it.
Frankford High JROTC
Join us on May 19th from 10 till 1 for our Spring planting, seed giveaway, and our first perennial plant sale. All the gardeners in Frankford are preparing plants for this fund raising sale. If you want plants that come back year after year, this is the sale for you! Planting advice comes free with your purchase.
Thanks again to all who support our park and help make it a lovely place for all to enjoy! Diane Kunze, Friend of Overington Park