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Metalworker Jason Roberts finds new digs down in Frankford Valley

Last Thursday I caught up with metalworker Jason Roberts at his new building over in Frankford Valley.  When Roberts struck out to start his own metalsmith shop, he turned into the Globe Dye Works‘ very first tenant back in January of 2008.  But he always had it in his mind to work out of his own property.

Continue reading Metalworker Jason Roberts finds new digs down in Frankford Valley

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Philadelphia Open Studio Tours coming to Frankford October 15th and 16th

The Center for Emerging Visual Artists is presenting Philadelphia Open Studio Tours.  It’s the largest tour of artist studios and creative spaces in the Philadelphia region and will feature Globe Dye Works artists and artisans.  The tour for studios east of Broad Street will take place Saturday and Sunday, October 15th and 16th.

Several artists with studios in the Globe Dye Works will open their studios for display.  Along with them, the Philadelphia Wooden Boat Company, which according to their website:

Operating out of a newly renovated light industrial site in the heart of Frankford, our boatbuilding and sailing programs – which include school day, afterschool, and summer sessions — help middle and high school age students develop self-esteem, improve academically, and learn valuable real life lessons.


Research shows that kids learn best by doing. When they have meaningful opportunities to make vital connections between what they learn in the classroom and what happens in the real world, they become more engaged and successful students.

Also included will be metalworker Jason Robert‘s new digs down at Duncan and Melrose inside the Bermuda Triangle that I call Frankford Valley.  His work includes Silk City’s Beer Garden and Northern Liberties’ Community Center.  His work is second to none and he’s settled his trade in Frankford.  It’s a must see.

The one downer is that the studio tour’s website calls both Jason Robert’s shop and the Dye Works Port Richmond.  boo.

[link] Post Studio Tours

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Metal Work Template For Something At Silk City

We’re back  at Jason Robert’s metal shop.  This is a template he had on the floor during my visit.


I don’t really know what’s going on here, but I know eventually this idea will turn into something at Silk City.  If you look on the right of the wooden template you’ll see that curved drawing.  That’s left side of the door to the beer garden, looks neat.   So stay tuned and one day we’ll see what it looks like in 3D.