The Frankford NAC Zoning group will meet Thursday, September 13th at 2nd Baptist Church, 1801 Meadow Street at 6:30 pm. We have a full schedule of properties to review.
Here is the list:
1369 Sellers Street– House of WIN was continued from last month. The applicant did send over the mechanicals for the property.

4314 Tackawanna Street– Globe Dye Works owner has this building. Zoned ICMX. They have a print shop, window, and furniture restoration at the location. The application was refused because of the existing apartments above it. Not sure why it was refused. Under the ICMX code, multi-family units are allowed.

4900 and 5000 Frankford Avenue– Applicant (Aria/ Jefferson Hospital). They want a variance for two signs. One at each location.

2154-72 Bridge Street- Chateau. They changed their address from Tulip to Bridge Street so they are simply redoing their it to reflect the address change. No changes as to how they operate or structure.

You must have ID to vote on any of these cases at the meeting.