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Hefty Sentence for Staw Purchase Gun Sale

There were two pieces of good news today that may mark a bump in the road toward total lawlessness in the city. reports that an individual who was the straw purchaser of a gun used in a crime in Frankford received a five year prison sentence.  That was related to one of the shootings at Foulkrod and Frankford a few months ago.  You can read that story here.  The gun was one of five purchased legally and then sold to the criminals who went out and used it as they do.  Only the gun used in the Frankford crime has been recovered.  Hopefully if the other guns are used in crimes, he will be prosecuted as an accessory to those crimes.  It may be one way of slowing things down.  Thanks to the DA for prosecuting the case.

The other piece of news was a major, major, major gun bust today in Kensington.  If you missed the video on 6abc, here it is.

We support the second amendment but not for criminals.


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Frankford Revitalization has a two part article this week on Frankford Revitalization.  It is written by Pamela Seaton and Kirsten Stamn, students reporting for Philadelphia Neighborhoods, the publication of Temple University’s Multimedia Urban Reporting Lab.

It is certainly worth reading since it covers just about everything going on in Frankford now.  Have a look at part 1 here.   Part 2 is here.

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Debbie and John Klak Honored

Debbie and John Klak were honored by the National DAR.

Frankford’s Flag House Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, installed its 2010-2013 officers and honored two local recipients of NSDAR Community Service Awards at its 107th Anniversary Luncheon Saturday.

Read the entire story here at