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Frankford Real Estate Transaction in June 2009

sold_graphicThanks to Philadelphia Real Estate Hub for the transactions for June of this year.  It’s a small list.  You can see many of the houses by Googling the address and then clicking on street view.

5133 Saul St $110,000
1735 Bridge St $37,000
4544 Milnor St $52,500
5109 Cottage St $80,000
5405 Saul St $112,000
5626 Tulip St $20,000
5628 Tulip St $107,500
1328 Fillmore St $125,000
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Northwood Civic Association

At their meeting last week the Northwood Civic Association voted to approve a new car wash in the Juniata Plaza shopping center on Castor Avenue reports the Northeast Times in this weeks edition.  Read all about that and the other issues they are working on now in the Northeast Times.

car wash

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Frankford Civic Association

The Northeast Times projects the agenda for the meeting of the Frankford Civic Association this Thursday.

Developer Vaughan Buckley wants to build 16 rental units at 1710 Pratt St., a few blocks from Frankford Avenue near Duffield Street. Buckley came before the civic association May 7 because he wants members’ OK for a zoning variance he needs to build on the property. The parcel currently is zoned for one structure.

Also at the June 4 session, members expect to hear more about city inspections of neighborhood drug rehabilitation facilities and recovery houses.

Sounds like another meeting that everyone will want to attend.

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Frankford Real Estate Transactions

sold_graphicHere are some real estate transactions courtesy of our friends at ReMax CitySpace.  Data includes sales of Frankford properties in May of 2009.

936-38 Herbert St $199,900
1118 Kenwyn St $55,000
1660 Granite St $27,500
5115 Valley St $65,000
5220 Oakland St $85,000
4339 Tackawanna St $45,000
5154 Leiper St $60,000
1105 Harrison St $110,000
930 Anchor St $55,000
2139 Carver St $56,000
4704 Large St $94,000
4310 Milnor St $99,000
5432 Discher St $89,900
5314 Sylvester St $125,000
5129 Walker St $89,900
2074 Simon St $71,000
1228 Wakeling St $175,000