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Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at the HSF

The regularly scheduled program of the Historical Society of Frankford for October 11, 2022 will feature a review of the history of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Court’s contemporary work, and the role of state supreme courts generally in our federalist system, This program commemorates the tricentennial of the Supreme Court that occurred on May 22, 2022. The speakers are attorney Chip Becker of Kline & Specter, P.C. and Debbie Gross, Executive Director of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts.

The meeting is open to the public at the Society building at 1507 Orthodox Street at 7:30 PM. In addition it will be live streamed on their Facebook page and available on YouTube live.

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Big Changes Coming to Frankford Library

From Gaspar Santos:

After the Covid 19 delay, the Frankford Renovation is fast becoming a reality.

The Frankford Library would like to invite you to take part in an upcoming meeting regarding the Frankford Library renovation on Thursday, September 15 from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in person and virtually on Zoom 

During the meeting, community members will be provided an update on the building design and timeline by the project team. The project manager, architect, and Free Library staff will also be available for a question and answer session.

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Frankford Pause Park

Come join us for a season of events in Frankford Pause Park.

Frankford Pause Playlist
Curated and hosted by Queen Jo
FREE 5:30 – 8:00 PM
* Thursday, September 8th: Feese, T Marie, Problem Child
* Thursday, September 15th: Essence Natay, RaeDianz, Kara
* Thursday, September 22nd: Frenchie, Mariah Geez, Seriah Nicole.
* Thursday, September 29th: Sing Kriss, Solomon, Nadir
* Thursday, October 6th: Taylor Kelly, Kingsley, JacqCon
* Thursday, October 13th:  Reef The Lost Cauze, Aime, Joie Kathos

Reel Fun Fridays
Outdoor movie nights
FREE 7:00 PM
* Friday, September 16th, Encanto
* Friday, October 14th, Ghostbusters (1984)

Community Resource Day
Adult and family resources
FREE 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
* Saturday, October 15th

Paint. Pause. Sip.
ARTrageous Brush and Flow
Tickets $17
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
* Wednesday, September 14th
* Wednesday, October 12th

Bachata Dance Class
Controla Dance Academy
FREE 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
* Friday, September 9th
* Friday, September 23rd
* Friday, September 30th
* Friday, October 7th

Food Truck Fridays
Pay as you go. Details can be found at
* Friday, September 9th
* Friday, September 16th
* Friday, September 23rd
* Friday, September 30th
* Friday, October 7th
* Friday, October 14th

Frankford Street Festival
Pay as you go.
12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
* Saturday, October 22nd

visit for more info

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Carpenters Company of Philadelphia at the HSF

The program of the Historical Society of Frankford for September 13, 2022, will be presented by Alex Palma, Assistant Curator at the Carpenters Company of Philadelphia. The topic is “The History of the Carpenters Company and the Built Environment in Philadelphia.” The Carpenters Company, founded in 1770, is itself one of the most historic sites in the City. It’s members shaped the local built environment, including in Frankford, and also helped to shape the development of skilled trades locally.

The meeting is open to the public at the Society building at 1507 Orthodox Street at 7:30 PM. In addition it will be live streamed on their Facebook page and available on YouTube live.