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It’s not easy raising a family today,
You work hard – for very little pay.
Wake up early and struggle through the day,
wondering how you going to pay those bills you just made – with very little pay.
Yes, it’s no wonder how you make it from day-to-day,
Paycheck-to-paycheck – for very little pay.
Holidays are coming so you must pray,
And thank God for giving you the strength to make it through the day,
And thank Him for all the blessings He sent your way,
And let Him know that you’re THANKFUL – for that – very little pay.


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Love Your Park Day November 13, 2021

Hello Friends of Overington Park, FOOP.

Please join us for our Love Your Park day this Saturday November 13, 2021 from 10am to 1pm.
Refreshments will be served for all volunteers.
We have attached the flyer. We really need to your help to keep the park going. The care of our neighborhood park is up to you. Let’s keep it beautiful for us to enjoy!
Thank you,
Friends of Overington Park Group