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Frankford Civic Association

The Frankford Civic Association meets on the First Thursday of each month at 7 PM at St. Mark’s Church, 4442 Frankford Avenue.  At the meeting on October 3rd:
  • Trunk or Treats are going to be held on  October 31st from 4 to 7 by Representative Dawkins at Frankford Pause Park, 4673 Paul Street.
  • There was a discussion of the  new voting machines to be used in the upcoming election.  
  • Looking for new, active members of the Civic so that everything isn’t all up to the president who’s wearing many, many hats right now.
  • It was determined during meeting that Frankford Town Watch is going to have their meeting with the Civic Association so that there will be more of a presence.
  • There will be an outreach to the community to get more interest in Town Watch and the Civic Association

Jenny Lynn McAfee is the new Secretary and will be reporting for the Gazette on the Civic Association’s news and initiatives.


The next meeting of the Frankford Civic Association and Frankford Town Watch will be held on November 7th at 7 PM at St. Mark’s Church, 4442 Frankford Avenue.


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Learn to build a website

Learn to build a website

TechGirlz mission is to inspire middle school girls to explore the possibilities of technology to empower their future careers.  Great way to make extra money and a skill building opportunity

October 26th from 1 pm to 4 pm called Web Concepts. Those interested can sign-up at the website below as spaces are limited.

Click to register

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At the Historical Society of Frankford

At the Historical Society of Frankford on Sunday, October 6th, from 3 to 6 PM, the  Society hosted The Second Annual Conference for Archival Researchers and Friends.

Fred Moore had four big maps and talked on Pennypack Park & the water ways all around different neighborhoods around Frankford Creek.  He answered questions from the audience about where the mouse started and ended take us back in time on about the waterways was very good and informative.

Robin Iriszary with the TTF Frankford watershed and working out of the Globe Dye Works talked about a bus trip November 16th at $20 and how you will visit both mouths of the Frankford Creek.  Alan Levin will be there and others from the Department of recreation and you can meet at I and Ramona Street at 10 a.m.

Professor Matt Smalarz, Professor at Manor College, talked on real estate development in Northeast Philadelphia after World War II from 1950 to 1960.

Fred Prescott talked on a bamboo airplane built to protect Frankford Arsenal going world War l.  The story was written by Bruce Beaton and is available in full at this link.

A 90 year old Elaine Peden talked on how she got a bill passed in Congress and signed by President Reagan to promote William Penn and Hannah Callowhill Penn his wife to become honorary United States citizens.  She is a Frankford resident living here for 90 years who owned the bar on Foulkrod Street just below Frankford Avenue.

There also was a visit by Harry Kyriakodis talking about his past books and John Buffington also talked about Charlie McCloskey who did a book on the Gordon, Saltar, Wharton Family Papers, 1723-1858.

Tom Manton spoke about Petty’s Island and his family roots on the island.

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