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Two more sexual assaults in Frankford

  • 10/5/08 (This was coded as an aggravated assault on the PPD web site) – A sexual attack occurred during another suspected home invasion in Frankford early Sunday, police said.
    The victim, a 21-year-old woman, reported that she answered the doorbell of her apartment on the 1300 block of Foulkrod St. at 12:15 a.m. when an unknown man forced his way into the residence.
    She said that the suspect grabbed a knife from a counter, forced her into the bedroom, bound her and assaulted her sexually.
    The woman described the suspect as black, taller than 5 feet, 6 inches, and thin with a brown complexion. He may have a speech impediment. He wore a stocking over his face. (From the Notheast Times)
  • 10/7/08 at 11:53 – Rape by stranger outside – Frankford and Foulkrod Street
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Frankford Civic Meeting

KatieRose keenan of the Northeast Times reports on last weeks meeting:

The heated debate concerning an increasing number of buildings being converted into recovery houses and rooming houses was still in full stride at the meeting.
“Frankford needs to get back to one-family dwelling homes,” said Liz McCollum–Nazario, president of the Frankford Business and Professional Association. “Most of these houses in Frankford were created for single families. Frankford is filled with churches, rooming houses, recovery houses and transitional houses. All these rooming houses are being sucked into one area of Frankford, and it is not what a viable community needs.”
The issue of the number of buildings bring converted was brought up when a zoning application to convert a three-story house to a six-family dwelling was presented to the civic association’s board. Residents are already living in the building.
Pictures passed around of the house showed several windows boarded up.
“The appearance alone shows a lot. It’s detrimental to the neighborhood and quality of life. But we can’t make decisions in one night and on appearance alone,” said McCollum-Nazario.

Read the entire story here.

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Town Watch

Mike, at the West Frankford Town Watch, forwarded this email to me tonight.

This is important,
We need everyone’s help.  Read this story that just came out today in the Phila Inq.  I spoke with Anthony Murphy and there is a huge press conference happening today.  It does not look good.
The statement I am concerned with is “Speculation is rampant in city government that the real budget gap is far bigger than the $450 million announced last month, and the list of potential budget victims includes city ice rinks and pools, Town Watch programs, new police hires, and $2 million in extra funding for Fairmount Park”.
We need to save town watch, we need to prove how dangerous this would be if it is cut.  Call everyone you know in the Mayors Office, City Council, State Rep, ANYONE NOW!  FYI people, they just took away our NETS Unit, our Burglary Unit and now possibly our 5 squad.  Where does that leave us – bare ass naked with tons of criminals laughing at us.
Let us flood these offices with calls today so they have NO idea what hit them!

Sometimes I think we focus too much on the crime in Frankford and not enough on the positive things going on.  Town Watch is a combination of the two things.  You have people volunteering for the good of the community.

The city will be under significant budger constraints due to the ongoing financial crisis.  The mayor has to look at every area to save money.  That is understandable and expected.  But the reality is that in the next few weeks decisions will be made and priorities will be set.  The criteria will be to cut expendable programs.  What is expendable?  Well if we can cut it and nobody screams then it is expendable.

The people of Frankford have been docile for too long.  If they want to cut something, tell them to cut it out of Chestnut Hill or Old City.  Call you councilperson and call the mayor.  Give them your opinion.