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Hold On


Sometimes we wake up with the right intentions, and here comes the wind blowing us in all directions.
You may feel like you’re losing control – all I can say is hold on.
Because the wind can only blow but so long.
So, all I can say is hold on. Change is coming, and it won’t be long.
So, just continue to hold on.
Because you’re caught in the wind and it’s leading you in the wrong direction – just remember to hold on.
Because your faith will spin you around and take you in the right direction.
After everything has been said and done, just remember, change is coming – so just hold on.

Lenny Jaynes

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Frankford CDC is Hiring

Would you or someone you know be interested in joining our  team? We’re currently looking to hire a new Commercial Corridor Manager and Corridor Cleaners! See descriptions below. To apply, email your resume and cover letter (Word document or PDF) to with the applicable job title in the subject heading.  Please see job descriptions below.

Neighborhood Advisory / Energy Center Coordinator –

The Frankford CDC’s NAC/NECCoordinator will be responsible for providing comprehensive energy services and affordable housing resources services to low-income households.

Services to be provided include:

  • Intake for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • Intake or referral to Crisis;
  • Utility bill payment assistance programs including: the Philadelphia Gas Works Workshop Program, energy counseling Weatherization Assistance Program, energy education; and other energy related service
  • Assist with facilitating community service briefings around homeownership and utility assistance programs
  • Help facilitate community zoning meetings and other community initiatives as necessary.

Starting Salary
$40,000 Annually + Benefits

Corridor Cleaning Assistant –

The Frankford CDC’s Corridor Cleaning Assistance program assist in the cleaning of sidewalks on the Frankford Avenue commercial corridor. Under this program, FCDC
also undertakes public space maintenance activities, litter reduction campaigns and community engagement.

Duties of Corridor Cleaning Assistants:

  • Clean the sidewalks and out to eighteen (18) inches in the streets; this area shall cover the curb and storm inlets.
  • Clean all four (4) corners of any intersection found at the end of cleaning routes;
  • Clean a minimum of twenty (20) feet along any secondary side streets that intersect with the primary commercial streets to be cleaned;
  • Ensure that weeds or grass are no higher than eight (8) inches on all sidewalks along each route;
  • Remove posters, stickers and other debris off street furniture including parking, telephone poles and traffic signs; and
  • Assist with cleaning and maintenance of other public spaces and vacant lots on Frankford Avenue
  • Assist with promotion of litter reduction campaigns and community engagement
  • Assist with promotion and distribution of COVID-19 related resources for small business along Frankford Avenue
  • Track number of blocks cleaned and number of bags used during cleaning.
  • Make 311 reports for all city related issues (i.e. graffiti, potholes, illegal dumping, etc.)

The above activities shall be performed in the commercial area from the 4200 block to the 5200 block of Frankford Avenue.

Starting Salary 
$15/ hr

Frankford Pause Park – Soak It Up Adoption Ambassador
Through the Philadelphia Water Department’s Soak It Up Adoption Program, Frankford CDC is hiring two part-time site ambassadors for the GSI (green stormwater infrastructure) rain garden at Frankford Pause Park, located at 4671 Paul Street.

Soak It Up Adoption Ambassador Responsibilities:

  • Clean the park, sidewalk, and rain garden of trash/litter, including the curb line and storm inlets
  • Assist with promotion of litter reduction campaigns and community engagement
  • Engage with the public about the rain garden, and how GSI works
  • Track number of bags of trash collected, report on the condition of the rain garden, and track engagement around the park and the rain garden
  • Make 311 reports for city related issues in and around the park/rain garden (graffiti, illegal dumping, etc.)

Starting Salary

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Let Them Go


If you don’t need me let me know, if you don’t want me, let me go.
I don’t want to hear about the next time, I just want to know.
Where I can find peace of mind, so I can continue to grow.
In this world of uncertainties, and slow economic flow, because everyone needs direction, so they will know.
If they’re not needed or wanted, then just let them go.
Because everyone needs time to think, and ponder where they fit in, so, they can grow.
By letting them know this is not the end of their journey and entering a world unknown. And trying to figure out all the pieces, and where they should go!
It’s at this time when you turn, and tell them. It’s not that I don’t want you or need you, but it’s time that you should grow.
To become a better person. So, when you have children, you’ll know – when it’s time, to let them go. So, they too… can – continue to grow.

Lenny Jaynes

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Goodbye to year 2022

Goodbye to year 2022

If you didn’t realize, this was the year of deja vu. Check it out and you will see.
Because in the year 2022 we all became the same, your sister, your brother, your mother, and your son, all became as one.
Because every Thousand (1,000 ) Years, your age + your year of birth – Every person = 2022.
It’s so strange that even experts can’t explain! So, if you don’t believe check it out, and you will see.
How the year 2022 has been waiting a thousand years, just for you.
So, welcome to the world of deja vu, and goodbye to year 2022.

By Lenny Jaynes

I’m 55 years old
I was born in 1967
So 55 + 1967 = 2022

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Come As You Are, Community, to the Church That is Named for You!

There are a lot of organizations that do good and we have written about many. I’m going to focus on this particular Church located in Frankford at the foot of Oxford Avenue under the shadow of the El train.

Pastor Elaine Rivera often contacts us with information about events, gatherings and offerings that the Church is doing for the community. There are many people in need in Frankford and they count on many of the life-giving Churches and community groups just to survive. Each service group tries to meet the needs of the people as best as they can.

What I have noticed over the years is that Pastor Elaine and her volunteers do what they do in a quiet, humble fashion. They go about the business of serving God’s people, as much as they are able counting, on other good people to help them with their needs. We know and believe that the Lord will provide but sometimes it takes more faith than we might have at the moment. But I don’t think Pastor Elaine’s faith falters – her life experiences have prepared her well for her ministry to society’s forgotten people.

Elaine Rivera grew up in Philadelphia but her call to ministry would not come until later in life. After she graduated from college, she served her country as a member of the United States Air Force for 8 years. Following an honorable discharge, she chose to study Law Enforcement and her career took her to New Mexico for 5 years. Feeling a call to further service for the Lord, Elaine became a licensed and ordained Minister of the Gospel in March 2011 at True Life Bible Church in Sicklerville, NJ. Serving in various servant leader roles, Elaine became an Assistant Pastor. Launching Crossroads Empowerment Ministry in Blackwood, NJ, Elaine would become a Senior Pastor. Pastor Elaine now serves as the Founder and Senior Pastor of Come As You Are Community Church. Her congregation are those marginalized by society – the homeless, the drug addicted, those who are challenged either socially or economically. Pastor Elaine is praying for guidance regarding the establishment of traditional housing for the homeless.

Come As You Are Community Church can be found on Facebook here – and the Internet right here –

The Frankford Gazette recently posted that the Church needs volunteers. Please consider getting involved and helping them. Also, plans for Christmas Eve follows. Please help Pastor Elaine continue the work that she and the Church does so well.

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