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Frankford High JROTC Tours Temple

On September 16th, cadets of the Frankford High School Pioneer Junior ROTC Battalion joined other JROTC cadets for an open house at Temple University hosted by the Red Diamond ROTC Battalion cadets.
We received a tour of the campus and the ROTC facilities. In addition we enjoyed a PowerPoint briefing by the cadets on what they do and the activities that they participated in during the year. We ended the session with a question and answer period.
Before we headed back to Frankford High School we were able to get this group shot of everyone.
Deanna Bracy
Cadet Captain, JROTC
Public Affairs Officer
Pioneer Battalion
Frankford High School
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Don’t Get It Twisted


Life can be sweet; life can be insane.
But Mama used to say, don’t never hook up with, a “Gambling Man.”
Because he’ll tell you that he loves you, he’ll tell you that he cares.
When you look around, he’s nowhere to be found.
Because he marches to a different drummer, he marches to a different plan.
Because he follows the games, everywhere.
The next thing you know, you’re in love with, a “Gambling Man.”
So, just look around, and you will see.
There is no future with loving, a “Gambling Man.”
He’ll leave you in a minute, he’ll leave you at the sound – of the dice rolling, cards shuffling, roulette wheel spinning, slot machines ringing.
He loves that crazy sound, cuz he’s, a “Gambling Man.”
So, don’t get it twisted, and you will see, there is no future in loving – a “Gambling Man.”


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Pioneer Color Guard Leads Puerto Rican Day Parade

These are photos from this past Sunday’s Puerto Rican Day Parade on September 25th in Philadelphia.
Our Pioneer color guard led the entire parade and presented the colors for the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner” and the “La Borinquena”.
Color Guard members were left to right cadets Ludwis Reynoso, Mason Krajewski, Steven Kindermann and Tytiana Davis
Deanna Bracy
Cadet Captain, JROTC
Pioneer Public Affairs Officer
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Supreme Court of Pennsylvania at the HSF

The regularly scheduled program of the Historical Society of Frankford for October 11, 2022 will feature a review of the history of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Court’s contemporary work, and the role of state supreme courts generally in our federalist system, This program commemorates the tricentennial of the Supreme Court that occurred on May 22, 2022. The speakers are attorney Chip Becker of Kline & Specter, P.C. and Debbie Gross, Executive Director of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts.

The meeting is open to the public at the Society building at 1507 Orthodox Street at 7:30 PM. In addition it will be live streamed on their Facebook page and available on YouTube live.

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Most of All


I have your picture hanging on the wall, there comes a time when I miss you – MOST OF ALL.
On cloudy days and rain starts to fall, that’s when I miss you – MOST OF ALL.
When the wind blows through the trees, birds and bees bow there heads in sympathy.
That’s when I miss you – MOST OF ALL.
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t stop, and look at your picture, and gaze into those big brown eyes.
That’s when I miss you – MOST OF ALL.
On holidays when the sun refused to shine, that’s when I really miss you – MOST OF ALL.