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Philadelphia’s 15th Police District Names Officers of the Year

Burgoon, Kennelly, Acevedo and Wilmer named 2017 Officers of the year

We were honored to be invited to the awards dinner held on March 26th by the 15th PDAC (Police District Advisory Council) to honor 6 officers for their outstanding performance.

Officers of the year Stephen Burgoon and Sean Kennelly were highly successful in reducing the number of burglaries in the District, many of them in the area of Northwood last year.

Roberto Acevedo and Thomas Wilmer did a great job investigating and making arrests in the thefts from vehicles that plagued the District last year. Many of those were in the area of the Frankford Transportation Center.

In addition, Patrick Owens and Megan O’Farrell were named Officers of the month for February 2018.

The short video below shows Captain Anthony Luca making the presentations and giving the details of the work by these Police Officers.

Congratulations to all involved.


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15th District PDAC Thanks Cops for Their Service

On Saturday December 2nd, the 15th District PDAC (Police District Advisory Council) held its annual holiday meal to thank and honor the police officers of the 2nd and 15th District.   Coordinating this special event was Pete Specos, Treasurer of the 15th PDAC.

He started his day around 4 am preparing the meatballs. He loaded the truck with all the necessary food and supplies and set off to set up for this special event at the District headquarters on Levick Street.  The menu also included cooked ham, donated by Dietz & Watson. Vegetables were corn and green beans. Chickie’s & Pete’s provided all you could eat, Wings, Chicken fingers and their famous crab fries. The cake was from Four Season’s restaurant.

The event lasted long enough (about 18 hours) to allow the police officers from all the shifts to dine at this special feast.  All of the police officers who attended were very thankful and very appreciative for this meal.

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Other members of the 15th PDAC that helped with the serving were Joe Valecce, President, Mike Barone, Maureen Taylor and Joe Taylor.

It was our special way of saying Thank You to all the police officers who put on the uniform every day to help protect and serve our community.

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Robert Bakos and John Lee 15th Police District Officers of the Year for 2016

The 15th Police District PDAC (Police District Advisory Council) honored Robert Bakos and John Lee as Officers of the Year for 2016 at a banquet held on January 30th.

The citation noted that they had made 78 ma­jor crime ar­rests, nine ar­rests for fire­arm vi­ol­a­tions, 383 vehicle in­vest­ig­a­tions and 370 ped­es­tri­an in­vest­ig­a­tions. They were the first to respond for 528 po­lice ra­dio calls.

Officer Robert Bakos with wife Nicole and son Brayden at the award banquet.

In addition, Steph­en Bur­goon, Joanne Kitz, An­thony Manes and Mat­thew Nodiff were named officers of the month for December for their work in the arrest of a suspect in a series of robberies.

Businesses were also honored for their support of the 15th District PDAC:  Friends Hospital (4641 Roosevelt Blvd.), Avenue Chiropractic (6233 Frankford Avenue), Lorenzo’s Café Espresso (4741 Princeton Ave.) and Barbera Autoland (7110 E. Roosevelt Blvd.)

There is no argument that Frankford needs effective policing.  You can measure that in a lot of different ways but it comes down to the men and women out on the street who are putting it on the line to make our lives safer.  We thank these officers for their dedication and hard work.

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New Board Elected at 15th District PDAC Meeting

At the 15th PDAC (Police District Advisory Council) meeting on February 29th, Officer Sean Kennelly was recognized for his work on the Northwood burglary spree.

Officer Matt Crosson provided a summary of recent crime trends noting that thefts from vehicles continues to be a problem.  When arrests do take place the suspect is often out on bail quickly because of the relative low dollar value of the theft and then may go back to the activity.


Captain McCloskey discussed preparations for St. Patrick’s day in Mayfair which is a big money maker for the bars on the area and a potential problem for law enforcement.

A new board was elected with Joe Valecce as President, Phil Pappas as Vice President, Pete Specos as Treasurer and Barbara Rup as Secretary.

Pete Specos provided the treasurers report.  A budget of $4,000 was approved for 2016 projected expenses which includes Mayfair Day, Al Stark Community Day, police officers holiday dinners and the kids holiday party as well as partnering with Keep the Faith in Frankford in Dining With Dignity at St. Marks Church.

A vote was taken to donate $100 to support the city wide Cheers program.  Cheers is a police department program now under way that provides a 6 week Saturday activity for kids 8 to 16 at various locations throughout the city.  The donation will go toward awards given at the end of the program.

The next 15th PDAC meeting will be held at 7 PM on March 28th at the Mayfair Community Center at 2990 St. Vincent Street.