At the Frankford NAC zoning meeting on March 9th residents turned out to hear the proposal by the owner of 4200 Torresdale Avenue for signs, a set of stairs and an entrance ramp. The address, under the previous ownership has been a source of trouble and residents were concerned about its future. The new owner is going to use it as an auto body and repair shop for their used car lot at 4530 Torresdale Avenue.
Neighbors were concerned about parking which is always a problem on the blocks near Torresdale Avenue and sidewalks being blocked by car dealers. The owner gave assurances that the location would only be used for repairs and it has capacity for storage of 30 vehicles inside.
Unfortunately, a vote on the case could not be held because the zoning notice was not displayed according to regulations. The case will come up again at a future meeting for a vote.
Doctor Anthony Panossian presented the case for a special exception for a dental office at 4821 Frankford Avenue. The exception is needed because this will be a group dental practice. The practice, ArtisanSmiles, will be a full service facility providing dental, dental surgery and orthodonture. Anesthesia will also be available which many dental offices do not provide. ArtisanSmiles has offices now in Clifton Heights and York PA.
One resident raised the issue of parking for clients coming to the facility. Dr. Panossian said they are willing to look into available parking spaces in a nearby lot but his architect pointed out that it is not a requirement for buildings in this zoning area. Most clients will be coming by public transportation.
One one resident was eligible to vote and the vote was a No.
5300 Marsden Street: PERMIT FOR THE ERECTION OF A CARPORT FOR ONE PARKING SPACE (SIZE AND LOCATION AS SHOWN IN THE APPLICATION), ACCESSORY TO AN EXISTING ONE STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING. The applicant was represented by a friend who made the case for moving his existing handicapped parking space from the front of his home to the side. It was agreed to support the variance with that proviso.
1257 Pratt Street: PERMIT FOR INCREASE IN DWELLING FROM SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING TO FOUR (4) FAMILY DWELLING (MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING) IN AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. The building has been a ground floor bar with 2 apartments above. The owner wants to convert the bar into 2 apartments. After much discussion, eligible residents voted unanimously to support the variance.
The next meeting of the Frankford NAC zoning board will be held on April 13th at 7 PM at Second Baptist Church 1801 Meadow Street.