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American Lock Services

We’ve been trying to get a key made.  Sounds simple enough but life can be complicated.  Got some done at Lowes a while ago and that worked so we went back there and asked them to make a copy from the one they made before.  It worked fine.  Took those keys and not one of them worked.  So went back to Lowes and told them about that and they said OK we’ll do it again.  Took those keys and not one of those worked either.  So we took those back and gave up on Lowes.

locksmith smallWas coming up Frankford Avenue Tuesday morning and was passing 4320 Frankford Avenue.  Looked out to my left and there was a locksmith, American Lock Services.  Brilliant thought came to me that maybe they would be able to make a key.  I parked and went over.  It was about 10:30 but the door was locked.  I banged on the door and a nice lady with a Russian accent came to open it.

So I told her the problem and in one minute she had two keys ready to go.  She said sometimes people just don’t pay attention to what they are doing.  Bring them back if they don’t work.

They worked.

I kind of owe them this plug.  When I was doing the walk up Main Street video I originally had them in but cut them because I did such a poor shot of the store front.  In any case, we know they make keys pretty well.

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Reader Submission: Sonic Is Coming To Aramingo Crossings


And we’re thrilled about a Sonic Drive-In right?  I’ve never eaten there but I hear people rave about it.  I know they’ve got one up on Street Road in Bensalem.  I’ve just started this 5 Guys kick which is really screwing up my running.

You guys are getting good with the pics, keep ’em comin.  And although not technically in Frankford, we’ve been paying close attention to Aramingo Crossings just because it’s like 400 feet away from Frankford’s southern border, the Frankford Creek.  There’s progress being made toward(and in) East Frankford, slow but steady.

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Walking Up Frankford Avenue

I’ve been trying to do this video for a few weeks but the weather and a busy summer got in the way.  Finally got to walk it yesterday.  We get quite a few people who have moved away from Frankford reading the Gazette and this is mainly for them and others who have not been here.  It was early but I wanted to get ahead of the traffic.  I did walk right up the middle of the Avenue under the El which made it easier.  I thought it would be much shorter and may edit it down a bit more.  There are a few things I did not get that I want to go back and fill in.  Feel free to comment with anything important that I should add.

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Benjamin Rush House Planning


FROM: Greenwood Cemetery Board of Directors

Knights of Pythias Greenwood Cemetery will host a community discussion on the potential use of the historic Benjamin Rush house.  The house has been inhabitable for many years however; under new ownership the cemetery has plans to renovate and restore the house. Please see for the full details.

The guest facilitator will be Ann Barton Brown. Ms. Brown brings a wealth of knowledge, including thirty-five years experience as a curator, collections manager, strategic planner and fundraiser for museums and non profit arts and community organizations. With your input we hope to determine the most effective use of the house, not only for the cemetery but for the community as well.  Therefore, your participation is greatly appreciated. The meeting will be held in the Medical Office Building at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in the third floor conference room on August 3rd from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

If you have any questions please call 215-533-2967.

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What Does No More Mean?

I got an email from a reader about a sober house. Well I thought that sounded interesting so I poked around on the internet.

Sellers 1305c small

Penn 4440b small

1305 Sellers Street([1305 Sellers on BRT], [1305 Sellers on Google Maps]) and 4440 Penn Street( [4440 Penn on BRT], [4440 Penn on Google Maps]) are being advertised on Craigs list in PA and NJ as the Crossroads Sober Home.

william loew rss ads

william loew craigs list nj

I always laugh when the people in the rehab business and even our own politicians tell us that Frankford has all these recovery houses because this is where the drug users and drinkers live.  This is one blatant example of the fact that this owner is importing them for us.  They live in Frankford because these guys provide the services.  We pay a price so these guys can make a buck and yet they don’t even have the consideration to ask our opinion.  Remember the problem is not the people living in these houses.  The source of the problem is the owner of the property.

I guess this will be another case where the neighbors call the council office and express their concern and then nothing happens.  There is a lot of that going on.  That being the case we’re going to start keeping score.

We had the two at the corner of Church St. and Griscom.  So far that one is unresolved.  Now we have these two.  We’ll keep you updated on what happens with them.

If you would like to call Councilwoman:

7th District – Councilwoman Maria D. Quinones Sanchez

Maria Quinones Sanchez (D)
Room 592 City Hall, 19107
686-3448, 3449; fax: 686-1936