This Memorial Day Weekend, we want to remember those who have served our country as well as all of us! We are proud of our “Frankford Heroes” who demonstrated time and again their dedication through the years.
Bob Smiley, the Editor of The Frankford Gazette, has continued to compile their stories and update their stories. Bob’s book, along with co-author, Richard W. Johnson, tells the story of 190 brave souls willing to risk all for their country and 147 of them did give their lives.
Through Tuesday evening, May 26, if you purchase a copy of Bob and Richard’s book ($14.95) through our website, we will donate 20% of the list price to be shared between St. Mark’s Church in Frankford and the CDA Court St. Francis De Sales #2617 Matthew 25 Food Cupboard at St. Mark’s. Here’s the link – we accept PayPal, Credit or Debit Cards or you can mail us a check. Also, Bob has just finished the ebook version of “Frankford Heroes, 2nd Edition” which contains even more information and links.
Here is an interview done with Bob today where he explains how his passion to tell our local Veterans’ stories continues to motivate his efforts. For more information, please contact
Thank you! Have a safe holiday! Let’s Remember and Honor Our Vets – past and present!
Because Patrick P. McNally and his son youtubed it for Neast Mag. He videoed it. That’s just above and beyond. I remember arguing with people about why Frankford is a viable neighborhood for the 21st century, back when I bothered arguing. And one of the HUGE deals is it’s relative proximity to the center of everything that is great in the world, downtown Philly. Everyone uses “15 minutes” as a phrase to denote a relatively short length of time. But it literally takes 15 minutes for these guys to get from the Frankford Transportation Center to goodness down at Spring Garden.
Dr. Harry C. Silcox and Jack McCarthy in their “Living in the past” column in the Northeast Times this week talk about the history of Mayfair. It’s an interesting story and you can read it here.
A few years ago, I stumbled over this video about Mayfair. It’s interesting to see now with the passage of time. After you read the article, come back and go to this link and play the video.